The clients we serve reside across the country. If we aren't already operating in your State, we have the ability to add a State license when the situation arises.
In some cases, your money can remain with the firm where it is currently held. It ultimately depends on the investment strategy as we utilize various custodians, carriers, and companies.
Among the common investments we advise for our clients are Individual Securities (stocks/bonds), Mutual Funds, ETF's, Buffered ETF's, a variety of Alternative Investments, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Annuities, and more.
The level of exposure to risk assets is a driving factor on investment performance. We assist clients on how to evaluate the appropriate risk, and develop a personalized strategy associated with each account we oversee for them.
We often conduct reviews using our secure video conferencing capability, which allows us to share our screen content for a more personalized and educational time together. Aside from the ongoing necessary communication around your account(s), we will meet with clients at least 1-4 times per year depending on planning needs and communication preferences,
We know our clients' lives are busy, and we are happy to accommodate when necessary. If it is not already on the calendar, our phone system will notify us of any voicemails left outside of normal business hours. We also regularly monitor our emails, and messages sent to the email goes to the whole team.
There is no cost for our initial meeting/consultation. If we begin working together, and depending on the strategy, we are very transparent with our fees and will provide you with a specific fee rate for your household following our strategy discussion with you. We will typically charge a flat financial planning fee for any analysis & planning services provided. Advisor Asset Management Fees or Product Fees are separate and based on the portfolio construction, and the total amount invested.
It is our job to meet you where you are in your financial journey. We love teaching inquiring clients, especially in such important areas as their wealth. We feel it is our responsibility as Financial Advisors to first understand you and your needs, identify the appropriate strategies to achieve your objective, and help you understand why the selected approach was chosen for you.
Every dollar matters when considering its growth potential over time. We invite you to consider scheduling a "Clarity Call" so we can learn more about you, while you learn more about us. We want to be certain working together is mutually beneficial.
Every legitimate financial services practice consists of 3 essential and independent components:
- the financial services firm itself,
- the Custodian who holds your assets,
- and the Broker-Dealer & RIA in charge of compliance & oversight.
These 3 components function in unison with one another, but each operates under its own unique name. Click the link below for a more detailed explanation on the structure of an Independent Financial Advisory business. The illustration that launches details how these 3 components work together to serve you at the highest level and provide you, and us, with the most options and flexibility.